Support from Iron County

Leaders That Represent Iron County Agree We Need Mike Lee In The United States Senate

  • Evan Vickers, Utah Senate

    “It is imperative that we have people like Mike Lee in our corner. He is always fighting for not only the current Utah citizens, but many generations to come.”

  • Rex Shipp, Utah House of Representatives

    “Senator Lee has done an exceptional job of representing rural Utah. He is constantly fighting to keep government powers in check.”

  • Brad Last, Utah House of Representatives

    “I’m supporting Senator Mike Lee because he represents conservative values in Washington, DC.”

  • Commissioner Paul Cozzens

    “Senator Lee has been nothing short of amazing. He is one of our most Constitutionally-minded senators in history.”

  • Commissioner Marilyn Wood

    “Senator Lee is a constitutionalist and that's what really attracts me to him. He definitely represents me and my family in the senate.”-

  • Commissioner Mike Bleak

    “The thing I appreciate most about Senator Lee is the ability to talk to him and have him talk frankly about issues.”

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