Getting Results for Utahns
USA Freedom Act
Senator Lee better secured Americans’ Fourth Amendment rights against the NSA’s collection of private citizen information without a warrant. The USA Freedom Act ended bulk collection of personal data and fortified national security by closing loopholes that prevented tracking of known terrorists in the country.
The Child Tax Credit
Senator Lee made it a priority to protect families in the 2017 tax reform bill. The Child Tax Credit doubled for each child from $1,000 to $2,000.
Criminal Justice Reform
One of Senator Lee’s top priorities entering the U.S. Senate was criminal justice reform. After eight years of work, Senator Lee co-wrote the First Step Act in 2018. This act reforms federal prisons and sentencing laws in order to reduce recidivism, decrease the federal inmate population, and maintain public safety.
Regulatory Reform
Federal regulation costs $2 trillion a year. Senator Lee has consistently co-sponsored the REINS Act, which would require any regulation that costs over $100 million to the economy to first receive approval from Congress.
Mike Lee Knows Utah.
Traveling through our state isn’t a PR opportunity. It’s something that Mike Lee has been doing for the last decade. Why? He wants to know how his votes will affect Utahns.
On the Issues
We need leaders that aren’t afraid to take a stand. Mike Lee is that type of leader.
“Holding Power Accountable”
“Freedom = Responsibility”
“The Expense of Liberty”
“Support for Law Enforcement”
“I am Pro-Life”
Effective Leadership
The 116th Congress took up 43 roll call votes in the Senate, five of which were authored by Senator Lee accounting for just over 11% of the amendment votes considered. Thirteen of the 43 amendments were agreed upon by the Senate, including one authored by Senator Lee.
Senator Mike Lee’s diligence on pushing for floor votes resulted in tremendous influence for Utahns. In the 116th Congress, Senator Lee negotiated amendments to or extracted concessions on 29 bills and seven resolutions that passed the Senate. Eighteen of the 29 bills became law, meaning Senator Lee successfully negotiated changes to 8% of bills that became law.
Furthermore, Senator Lee successfully prevented 63 bills and three resolutions from passing the Senate by withholding unanimous consent and requiring deliberation among his colleagues. This adds up to 22% of possible federal policy that Senator Lee exerted influence over by speaking up and voicing Utahns concerns.
Open debate on issues leads to transparent votes representing intentional choices on the direction we want to steer the country. A simple review of the increased amount of the roll call votes insisted on by Senator Lee demonstrates his remarkable influence.